My Capclave 2007 Schedule

This weekend, I’ll be attending Capclave, the largest Washington, DC-area science fiction convention. I’ve got three panels, plus a reading and a signing.

capclave-flier The reading time they’ve assigned to me is the plum spot of 11:30 p.m. on Saturday night. The Capclave organizers originally had me scheduled in a joint reading at 5 pm alongside Guest of Honor Jeffrey Ford, with a special intro by David Hartwell and an appreciation by Sir Arthur C. Clarke via satellite. But I absolutely insisted — insisted — that they move me to 11:30 pm instead. Fear my power, o lowly denizens of SFdom.

But as an added incentive, I’ll be giving away free, signed printouts of the first two chapters of MultiReal to everyone that attends. You’ll be getting at least a two or three-month head start on the rest of the world, since I don’t plan on publishing sample materials to the website until 2008.

Without further ado, here’s my full Capclave schedule:

  • “Holy Shuftik!” He Cried — Saturday, October 13 @ 1:00 pm
    John G. Hemry, Lawrence M. Schoen (m), David Louis Edelman, Tom Doyle, Catherine Asaro
    How does an author create a distinctive language for characters in the future or in a different world and keep it understandable to the reader? What’s the right balance between creating language and making sure the reader can figure it out without a dictionary appendix to the story?
  • Harry Potter Autopsy — Saturday, October 13 @ 3:00 pm
    Ann Crispin, David Louis Edelman, Davey Beauchamp, Andy Duncan, Maria Snyder, Doug Fratz (m)
    Did the Deathly Hallows live up to your expectations? Was it even possible for it to do so? Were you happy with the resolution? What would you have done differently?
  • Reading — Saturday, October 13 @ 11:30 pm
    My current plan is to bring both my short story “Mathralon” (soon to be appearing in the Solaris Book of New Science Fiction, Volume 2) and two chapters of MultiReal. Depending on the mood (and existence) of the audience, I’ll read one, both, or all three selections.
  • Signing — Sunday, October 14 @ 10:00 am
  • LibraryThing — Sunday, October 14 @ 12 noon
    Colleen Cahill (m), Lawrence M. Schoen, David Louis Edelman, Barbara Krasnoff
    Cool sites on the net that every book lover should be aware of. Will include a practical demonstration.

I’m quite pleased to see a number of friends, acquaintances, and just all-around good people on the participants list, among them Matt Jarpe, Tom Doyle, Jim Freund, Ernest Lilley, Scott Edelman, Catherine Asaro, Karl Schroeder, and Maria Snyder.

I also plan on beating Lawrence Schoen (aka “The Klingon Guy”) roundly about the head for claiming the wildcard Campbell New Writer Award nomination last year that the gods, in their infinite wisdom, had actually reserved for me. Just a simple misunderstanding, I’m sure. Those gods have a wacky sense of humor.