My Readercon 19 Schedule

Here’s my Readercon 19 schedule, for anybody who will be in Burlington, Massachusetts this weekend and wants to catch up with me.

On Self-Promotion

I’m seeing a lot of people picking on Cory Doctorow for being a self-promotional whore, and it’s irritating the piss out of me. These complainers need to understand that the twentieth century paradigm of advertising and promotion where the content sits on one side of the page, and the advertisements sit on the other side of the page, and there’s a nice clear line separating the two, is dead.

Balticon 42 Wrapup

Chaos and science fiction conventions go together like rum and Coke. Which makes Balticon 42 about 180 proof. But hey, just because Balticon was chaotic and organizationally challenged in places doesn’t mean it wasn’t fun.

Balticon 42 Schedule

Yes, this weekend I’ll be at Balticon 42, Baltimore’s premier science fiction convention. I’ll be on panels and giving a reading from “MultiReal.” Read the article for my schedule, along with the descriptions from the pocket schedule.