Jara Learns to Love Her Inner Demon

This afternoon, I discovered that Jara, the co-protagonist of “Infoquake” and “MultiReal,” has landed an interview with a former succubus on novelist Jackie Kessler’s website.

Pat’s Fantasy Hotlist “MultiReal” Giveaway

Pat’s Fantasy Hotlist, the fine SF review website that brought you the recent “Infoquake” giveaway — not to mention the fine SF review website that recently called said book “one of the very best science fiction debuts I have ever read” — is now giving away three copies of “MultiReal.”

Publishers Weekly Praises “MultiReal”

The first outside review of “MultiReal” is in, from Publishers Weekly. Overall, it’s an excellent review, with PW saying “MultiReal itself is firmly established as one of the most fascinating singularity technologies in years.”

Balticon 42 Schedule

Yes, this weekend I’ll be at Balticon 42, Baltimore’s premier science fiction convention. I’ll be on panels and giving a reading from “MultiReal.” Read the article for my schedule, along with the descriptions from the pocket schedule.