If you’re reading this article, then that means that you’re now viewing my blog at its new home of Bluehost.com. (And if you’re not reading this, then you have officially achieved a state of ultimate paradox. Congratulations.)
I’ve taken the opportunity of moving the blog to make a number of changes, which I list below:
- Infoquake site is now on WordPress. The Infoquake website is now running on good ol’ WordPress (as opposed to ColdFusion, which is what I originally created the site in). This means it will be a heck of a lot easier for me to maintain, and will allow me to install nifty plug-ins and the like.
Plus once I do the redesign in 2008, all I’ll need to do is modify the skin and I’m good to go — no need to reprogram the whole thing. But the coolest thing about moving to WordPress? I can use the IMM-Glossary plugin to give me automatic popup definitions for the terms in the book. Go look at the excerpt page and run your mouse over one of the words with the dotted underlines to see it in action. (Or just look at the screen cap to the right.)
- The John Barth Information Center is also now on WordPress. Some of you may or may not realize that I’ve maintained a fan website devoted to the Postmodernist author John Barth for the past, oh, 12 or 13 years. (Go ahead, search Google for “John Barth” and see what comes up just below the Wikipedia article. I’ll wait.) This site is now running WordPress too, and seeing as I’ve been such a horrible steward of the site, I’m hoping to open it up to other John Barth fans to write, administer, comment, and manage.
- All my personal websites are now running on LAMP. Yes, I do frequently defend Microsoft and have not always been keen on open source software. But I’ve decided to move to an all-open source LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP) environment, because a) it’s cheaper, and b) WordPress runs better that way.
- Cleaner permalinks. If you look at your browser address bar, you’ll notice that the “/blog” is gone. As is the “index.php” and the date-based URL. Why? Well, it’s cleaner, that’s why. Whereas the old WordPress installation had permalinks in the form www.davidlouisedelman.com/blog/index.php/year/month/day/title/, the new installation shows permalinks in the form www.davidlouisedelman.com/category/title/. Much easier to read, and much more search engine-friendly. (Yet thanks to the magic of John Godley’s Redirection plug-in, you can still follow old links to the new pages. Really, this thing is a miracle — regular expression-based redirection, just like in Apache, but you don’t have to leave WordPress or mess with .htaccess files. Plus 404 logging, and more.)
- My old book reviews and interviews are now part of the blog. If you take a look at the full archives page, you’ll notice that I now have blog entries dating back to 1994. No, I wasn’t the most prescient individual in the world, I’ve simply moved all of my old book reviews and author interviews from the mid-90s into WordPress. This means they’re accessible through the search and the archives and get the benefits of tagging and all that WordPress-y goodness. You can read my Baltimore City Paper interviews with Tim O’Brien, Nicholson Baker, and Stephen Hunter here — still three of the most popular pages on the website — and more.
- I’ve licensed the pieces on this blog with Creative Commons. The pieces on this blog now come with an Attribution-Share Alike Creative Commons license. Which means you’re free to copy them and remix them in any fashion you’d like, as long as you attribute the original to me and share your copies and remixes yourself. I really have no idea what this is going to do for me; I figure that it will either a) help, or at least b) not cost me anything.