Pat’s Fantasy Hotlist, the fine SF review website that brought you the recent Infoquake giveaway — not to mention the fine SF review website that recently called said book “one of the very best science fiction debuts I have ever read” — is now giving away three copies of MultiReal. All you have to do to enter is go to the website and send an email to the guys running the giveaway contest.
But better yet — if you haven’t yet read book 1 of the Jump 225 Trilogy, Infoquake, Pyr will throw in a copy of that book as well. Go! Enter! Encourage these people to pay me lots of attention and thus encourage more sales.
And if that’s not excuse enough for me to dust off the ol’ Adobe Photoshop and stick a copy of MultiReal in a sleazy used car salesman’s hand, I don’t know what is.
Hey, didn’t this same car salesman guy show up at an earlier point in your blog selling Infoquake? I’m starting to get suspicious. 🙂