“Geosynchron” Is Here. Officially.

Geosynchron coverFrom my newsletter (because I really don’t have the time or energy these days to write anything original on my blog anymore):

The wait is over. Geosynchron is here! Which means that the trilogy which began as a gleam in my bio/logically-enhanced eye way back in 1997 or 1998 is completely in print, and you can now judge the entire story on its merits. Or you can simply stare at the gorgeous Stephan Martiniere cover for hours on end and try to figure out who the heck that guy is sitting Indian style on the cover, which is what I do. (The answer? I really don’t know. I’m guessing it’s either High Executive Len Borda or it’s Ian Holm fresh off the set of The Fifth Element.)

Anyway… boy, am I gonna need your help on this one. This is the last launch of a Jump 225 book, which means it’s the last best time to spread the word about the trilogy. So please, forward to your friends and family members, post reviews online, write blog posts, tweet, spray paint Geosynchron-related graffiti on the front of government buildings! Just tell them that Neil Gaiman sent you.

Oh yeah, and why don’t you read the book too, and let me know how you liked it?

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Pat’s Fantasy Hotlist “MultiReal” Giveaway

Pat’s Fantasy Hotlist, the fine SF review website that brought you the recent “Infoquake” giveaway — not to mention the fine SF review website that recently called said book “one of the very best science fiction debuts I have ever read” — is now giving away three copies of “MultiReal.”