Abigail Blakeway Edelman and Benjamin Blakeway Edelman

The babies have arrived.

Abigail Blakeway Edelman, born October 31st at 8:02 am, 6 pounds 5 ounces.

Benjamin Blakeway Edelman, born October 31st at 8:04 am, 6 pounds 2 ounces.

Mom and babies are healthy, Dad’s a little frazzled but ecstatically happy.

28 thoughts on “Abigail Blakeway Edelman and Benjamin Blakeway Edelman”

  1. Congrats to you all (parents for making it, babies for being born), and enjoy the next few months of involuntary insomnia 🙂

  2. Wow! David, I had no idea you had kids on the way! Looks like you’ve got a solid fan base started to me. The two most important pieces of advice I can give you for the next few months are a) you cannot spoil a newborn and b) sleep whenever you get the chance.

    Congratulations to you and your wife!

  3. Congrats to you and Toya! I think those are the cutest newborns I’ve ever seen. I hope we get to see many more pics of them soon 🙂

  4. Congratulations! (Here from SFNovelists.) They are absolutely gorgeous. And wow, your wife has all my admiration – I had just one baby and am still zonked 5 weeks later! I hope you both manage to get some rest soon.

  5. Congratulations!! They’re beautiful 🙂

    My advice to all new parents is to RELAX and ENJOY – they grow up fast! My babies are 13 and 11 – and I’m still waiting to catch up on my sleep ;>

  6. I agree – prepare for the “well intentioned” advice barage – seek shelter.

    Aw, that’s silly. Hold them a lot, love them more, keep their diapers clean and dry.

    Advice is great but that’s all you really need to know.

  7. Congratulations! As a father of twin girls, I can relate.
    Welcome to the land of sleep deprivation and confusion. Keep in mind the feedings and diaper changes can get a little challenging.
    Our beautiful girls are almost seven years old now! How time flies..

  8. TRICK OR TREAT !? I laugh when I think of them in Halloween costumes at their future birthday parties. Congratulations!

  9. Thems some good-looking munchkins! As a father of 9 month old twins we really enjoy putting them in the double stroller and taking them to crowded places – the train of cutesy smiles they elicit in strangers has been dubbed ‘the rainbow gun’. As one proud father to another, I recommend liberal usage.

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